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Parting ways

How does it feel for introverts? On companionship, feelings and people. A short guide on INTP/Js.   Generally, feelings represent a category that is influenced by factors that had been crucial during childhood. The life is usually a mental and an emotional rollercoaster. What most mbti types tend to ask INTP/Js is – how does it feel to “feel”? Feelings differ. Things that trigger different … Continue reading Parting ways

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How much time does it take to wake up?

Years! Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.   Mary Oliver   For the folks who are stuck in 24 hour routine, with limited self-care time for the sake of your loved ones – stay hydrated! Water is indeed important, but love is even more important. Speaking about mental state … Continue reading How much time does it take to wake up?